Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club – Bronx, NY
Building on the buzz generated after a successful ATI event in the Bronx, Yolanda Brisbane-Baird, unit director at the Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club, along with teens from the club formed their own ATI team. The team was comprised of youth leaders who were charged with designing ATI-themed events throughout the year to sustain the campaign in the most relevant way for their organization.
To date, the Kips Bay ATI Team has coordinated a Valentine’s Teen Party, where teens featured an alcohol-free teen bar. Students created non-alcoholic beverages with desirable names such as “Cherry Coke Sunrise with a Twist of Lime” to appeal to their peers. Teens who submitted their ATI Teen Expression Artwork at the party were admitted for $1 versus $5.
Moreover, the Kips Bay ATI team is also working with Cablevision/Cartoon Network to host a “Stop Bullying – Speak Up” town hall meeting. The event will feature local politicians, the Attorney General, other local community organizations and parents to discuss the importance of remaining above negative influences, such as bullying. The town hall meeting will be sponsored by Cartoon Network and Cablevision. Youth will execute ATI’s “Tag It” activity before the event and will showcase their “tags” during the town hall meeting.
Kips Bay youth are also constructing a large wall display in the lobby of their club dedicated to ATI; the wall will host a new theme each month.
Youth proudly display their ATI symbol design that was selected and printed as large posters.
Teens participate in a planning discussion committee designed to create ATI-themed events throughout the year.